Valet Parking Insurance
Parking companies need insurance that protects all aspects of their operations.
Fill out quote form. Parking quote formis tailored to meet the unique needs of parking companies combining Commercial General Liability and Garage Keepers Legal Liability with extended coverages if necessary to this class of business.
Commercial General Liability & Garagekeepers Legal Liability:
CGL Limits: – General aggregate limit (per location): $2M
Premises/Operations limit: $1M
Products/Completed Ops agg. limit: $1M
Personal and Advertising Injury limit: $1M
Damage to Premises Rented to You limit: $500K GKLL Limits: – Per-vehicle limit: Up to $250K
Per-location limit: $1M
Excess Liability (including GKLL)
Automobile Liability and Physical Damage
Crime/Employee Dishonesty
Workers Compensation
To obtain a insurance, you will need to provide all of the following:
Fully completed, signed, and dated Parking Operator Application
Fully completed Schedule of Parking Locations
Five years’ insurance company loss runs, valued within 60 days of policy inception (No Prior insurance is OK)
Explonation of applicant’s current hiring, training, and safety procedures
For other coverages desired (auto, crime, workers comp), please ask us for submission requirements.
Call us today for free quote: 310-299-5555
California Only.