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¿Está buscando una cotización integral y competitiva de seguro de automóvil comercial? ¡No busque más! En Univision Insurance Services, simplificamos su búsqueda al brindarle cotizaciones personalizadas. Nuestro objetivo es ayudarlo a obtener la mejor cobertura al precio más asequible, sin la molestia de buscar por su cuenta.

Seguro de camiones

1. Múltiples cotizaciones de los mejores agentes Para garantizar que obtenga la mejor oferta, lo conectamos con tres agentes especializados en seguros para camiones. Estos agentes compiten por su negocio, lo que le brinda un acceso más amplio al mercado de seguros para camiones y garantiza que reciba las tarifas más competitivas. 2. Proceso fácil y eficiente Nuestro proceso es simple y eficiente. Solo complete nuestro breve formulario en línea y recibirá tres cotizaciones competitivas adaptadas a sus necesidades. Ahorre tiempo y esfuerzo al dejar que hagamos el trabajo por usted. Opciones de cobertura integral California y la Administración Federal de Seguridad de Autotransportistas (FMCSA) tienen requisitos de seguro específicos para camiones comerciales. Ya sea que necesite responsabilidad civil primaria, cobertura por daños físicos o pólizas especializadas como el seguro para camiones, lo tenemos cubierto. Estas son algunas de las opciones de cobertura que ofrecemos: Responsabilidad civil primaria Responsabilidad civil general Daños físicos Carga de camiones motorizados Seguro para camiones motorizados Seguro de responsabilidad civil para no transportistas Intercambio de remolques Automovilista sin seguro Compensación de trabajadores Póliza paraguas para camiones

Comprender los requisitos del seguro para camiones en California

La ley estatal de California exige que los conductores de camiones locales y las nuevas empresas mantengan una cantidad mínima de seguro de responsabilidad civil. La cobertura requerida depende del tipo de carga que transporte y su región operativa. Por ejemplo: Seguro de responsabilidad civil de $1,000,000 para transporte de petróleo Seguro de responsabilidad civil de $5,000,000 para materiales peligrosos Seguro de responsabilidad civil de $300,000 para artículos del hogar Seguro de responsabilidad civil de $750,000 para transporte de carga general Seguro de carga de $20,000 por vehículo y $20,000 por catástrofe para transportistas de artículos del hogar dentro del estado y transportistas contratados entre estados Si opera a través de las fronteras estatales, también debe cumplir con los requisitos de la FMCSA, que generalmente incluyen límites de responsabilidad federal de $750,000 o $1,000,000.

Presentación de declaraciones al gobierno sin complicaciones

Tanto California como el USDOT exigen que su agente de seguros presente determinados documentos. Estos documentos, como el formulario MCS-90, el MCP-65, el formulario H y el BMC-91, demuestran que se cumplen todos los requisitos de seguro de camiones del DOT. Nuestros agentes se encargan de estos documentos por usted.

Obtenga sus cotizaciones hoy

No importa dónde se encuentre en California, nuestra red de agentes está lista para ayudarlo. Desde Los Ángeles hasta San Francisco, deje que Univision Insurance Services le brinde tres cotizaciones competitivas directamente. ¡Comience hoy mismo su viaje hacia un mejor seguro para camiones!

Contáctenos o complete nuestro breve formulario en línea para comenzar.

Commercial Auto Insurance 1

CoverToday Insurance Agency, LLC – Compensation Disclosure

CoverToday Insurance Agency, LLC (“CoverToday”) is committed to transparency in how we are compensated for the insurance brokerage and related services we provide. We work with clients, retail agents, brokers, and insurance carriers to offer a range of insurance solutions. Our compensation comes in various forms, including commissions, contingency income, and, in some cases, fees paid by clients or third parties. Below is an outline of how we are compensated.

Commission Income
We receive commissions from insurance carriers or managing general agents for placing and servicing insurance policies. Commissions are typically calculated as a percentage of the premium paid by the insured and are included in the total premium amount. Employees or representatives of CoverToday involved in policy placement and servicing may receive compensation that varies based on the commissions we earn.

Contingency Income
CoverToday may receive additional compensation through contingency agreements with insurance carriers or managing general agents. These payments depend on various factors, including premium volume, policy retention, underwriting profitability, and claims history. Since contingency income is calculated based on overall business performance rather than individual policies, there is no direct way to determine how a specific insurance policy affects these payments.

Supplemental Commissions
Some insurance companies provide supplemental commissions, which are predetermined, fixed payments based on historical performance metrics similar to those used for contingency income. These supplemental commissions, sometimes referred to as “Guaranteed Supplemental Commissions” (GSCs), are typically negotiated annually and are not contingent on future performance.

Fees Paid by Clients
In some cases, particularly for business insurance or complex insurance programs, CoverToday may charge clients a fee in addition to or instead of commissions. These fees are mutually agreed upon in advance and disclosed to the client before coverage is bound. In certain situations, we may receive both commissions and client-paid fees for placement or additional services, such as risk management or policy administration.

Wholesale Operations
CoverToday may place insurance through wholesale brokers or managing general agents (MGAs), including those affiliated with us. In such cases, both the wholesale broker and CoverToday may earn commissions. Wholesale brokers and MGAs provide access to specialized insurance markets not available through standard retail brokerage channels. These transactions do not typically impact the total premium paid by the insured.

Other Compensation and Benefits
CoverToday may receive additional revenue or benefits in connection with our insurance brokerage services, including:

  • Payments from insurance carriers for training, marketing, or promotional events

  • Fees or interest from the administration of premium finance contracts

  • Interest earned on fiduciary or trust accounts where insurance premiums are temporarily held before remittance to carriers

  • Compensation for policy administration, claims services, or loss control support

Carrier Relationships and Preferred Markets
While CoverToday works with a broad range of insurance carriers, we may prioritize strategic relationships with certain insurers that provide competitive pricing, enhanced service, and long-term benefits to our clients. These preferred carriers may offer additional compensation, which we use to invest in technology, training, and improved client services. In some cases, our employees may be incentivized to consider preferred carriers when suitable for a client’s needs. CoverToday representatives may also participate in advisory boards or committees for select carriers to enhance collaboration and service offerings.

We are committed to providing full disclosure and transparency regarding our compensation practices. If you have any questions about how CoverToday is compensated for your policy, please contact us for more information.

© 2024 por Univision Insurance Services. Desarrollado por

Licencia n.°: 0K77310

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